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Obi-Wan Kenobi on Negotiation: A Jedi’s Approach

active listening empathy negotiation skills negotiation tactics star wars Oct 03, 2024
The Negotiation Club
Obi-Wan Kenobi on Negotiation: A Jedi’s Approach

Welcome to our special series on the art of negotiation, where some of fiction’s most iconic characters share their unique approaches to this essential skill. Negotiation is more than just making deals; it’s about understanding people, reading situations, and knowing when to push or pull back. In each post, a well-known character will explain their personal tactics and why mastering negotiation is key to survival, success, and influence in any world—whether real or imagined.

In this second instalment, we turn to the wise Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, who shares how calm, empathy, and patience form the core of his negotiation tactics.

Dive in, learn from the best, and discover how to sharpen your own negotiation skills through practice at The Negotiation Club.


Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars):

A Jedi who balances diplomacy and combat, Obi-Wan frequently uses negotiation to resolve conflicts peacefully before resorting to violence.


What Would Obi-Wan Kenobi Say About Negotiation?

The Force will be with you, always. But the Force, as powerful as it is, isn’t the only tool a Jedi must master. Many battles are not won with a lightsaber but with words, diplomacy, and careful negotiation. Whether facing a Sith Lord or a trade dispute in the Senate, I’ve often found that negotiation is the true path to victory. It is a skill that anyone can—and must—develop, for it is the art of finding balance in the midst of conflict.

Now, I don’t claim to be a politician, but I’ve learned a thing or two about the power of negotiation. Let me start by saying this: negotiation is not about manipulation or trickery. It’s about understanding and guiding the conversation toward a peaceful resolution. “You must do what you feel is right, of course. And when negotiating, the right thing is often to seek a path where everyone feels heard, and no one leaves as an enemy.


The Power of Calm Presence

In any negotiation, whether you’re dealing with a raging Sith or a stubborn senator, one of the most important tactics is remaining calm and composed. Be mindful of your thoughts, Anakin,” I used to remind my former apprentice. Emotions can cloud judgment. When negotiating, the calmer you are, the more clearly you can think—and more importantly, the more clearly your opponent will see you. A composed negotiator exudes confidence and control, while an emotional one can lose credibility.

Many people make the mistake of rushing to react, to counter every point with haste. But, as I’ve learned in my time as both a general and a diplomat, patience is key. Patience, my young Padawan.” Give the situation room to breathe, and often, the solution will present itself. Remaining calm [Manage Your Emotions] not only gives you time to assess the situation but also sets the tone for a more productive dialogue. Pause, Consider, Respond


Listening, the Jedi Way

One of the most underrated tactics in negotiation is active listening. Most people are too eager to speak, too focused on their own points, that they miss the subtle hints in what their counterpart is saying. “Your eyes can deceive you; don’t trust them. It’s not always what is said aloud but what is left unsaid that matters most. By listening carefully, you gain a deeper understanding of the motivations and concerns of the other party.

Take, for example, my dealings with the Separatists during the Clone Wars. Had I simply focused on their threats, I might have missed the underlying fear and desperation in their leaders. In negotiation, the key to success is often found in the small details, the quiet moments when you can see what truly drives your opponent. Once you understand their motivations, you can guide the conversation toward a solution that satisfies both sides.


The Power of Empathy

Another vital tactic is empathy. Only a Sith deals in absolutes. Many conflicts arise because each side sees the world in black and white. But in negotiation, there is a vast space of grey to explore. By putting yourself in the shoes of your counterpart, you can find a middle ground that benefits both parties.

Empathy is not about giving in or being weak; it is about understanding. When you understand the fears, hopes, and desires of the other person, you can craft a solution that addresses their needs while still achieving your goals. This creates trust, which is essential in any negotiation. People are more willing to make concessions when they feel that their concerns are being genuinely considered.


Offering Alternatives: The Jedi Mind Trick of Negotiation

Sometimes, negotiations reach a point where neither side is willing to concede. This is when offering alternatives can be a powerful tactic. When you present an option that wasn’t initially considered, it can open up new possibilities. In the same way that a Jedi might use the Force to shift perspective—These aren’t the droids you’re looking for—you can use alternative solutions to shift the focus of the negotiation.

The key is to make the other party feel that they are in control, even when you are guiding the conversation. By presenting alternatives, you give them choices that lead to a resolution, making them feel like they have agency while still steering the outcome in your favour.


Practice, You Must

The more you train, the stronger you become. Negotiation, like any skill, requires practice. The ability to listen, empathise, remain calm, and offer creative solutions doesn’t come naturally to everyone. It must be honed through repeated effort. In a world where conflicts arise daily—be they personal or professional—the opportunity to practice these skills is everywhere.

This is why I would recommend The Negotiation Club. Just as a Jedi must practice their connection to the Force, you too must practice your ability to navigate conversations, challenges, and conflicts. Negotiation is a craft that, once mastered, will serve you in all aspects of life. Whether you’re mediating between colleagues, dealing with clients, or even navigating personal relationships, negotiation is the bridge between discord and harmony.


“May the Force be with you.” But more importantly, may your words be your weapon, your wisdom your guide, and your practice your strength!

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